Millenials, Artificial Intelligence, Baby Boomers and Coaching

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Thurday 28 September, 2017

Millenials, Artificial Intelligence, Baby Boomers and Coaching: is this a viable mix and if so how could it work? | genome


Presenters: Adina Tarry and Alexandru Popa-Antohi 

Location: Space in Marylebone, 10 Daventry Street, London NW1 5NX

Summary description:

Today’s world is rapidly changed by technology, at an unprecedented and hard to follow pace. But how can Millennial and Baby Boomer coaches, with a gap of 30 years between them, work together, across the dividing technological lines? What, if anything, have these generations to offer each other?

Certified coach practicing in ICT , Alexandru Popa-Antohi (representing Millenials), and experienced accredited coach and early technology adopter Adina Tarry (representing Baby Boomers) will make the case for embracing the unbeatable partnership of “technology savvy” and “experiential wisdom” as not only the desirable, but also achievable, way forward.


Today’s world is rapidly changing at an unprecedented and hard to follow pace. The need for adaptation is just another way of acknowledging that survival and relevance of expertise and skills will only depend on how well and how quickly the various players can understand and then effectively respond to the new reality of the present and future world of work.

Technology driven at one end, and being increasingly concerned about social care of a population that will live to be 100 and work until the age of 70, at the other end, society at large and the world of work specifically are shaken and disrupted by the seismic changes that herald the 4th technological revolution.

Businesses to day employ people across generations, from gen Y to Baby Boomers and the Millennial in between.

But how and what have the millennial and the baby boomers, with a gap of some 30 years between them, yet currently most influential generations in the workforce – in common? How can they work together, across the dividing technological lines? What, if anything have these generations to offer each other?

Alexandru Popa-Antohi Representing the millennial and Adina tarry representing the baby boomers will endeavour to present the case for a successful inter-generational partnership, as an unbeatable recipe for success and demonstrate that such collaboration is not only desirable but more possible than anticipated.

Adina Tarry will introduce the session to her peers, based on her personal thoughts and reflections of her own connection with the generations and how her thinking has evolved in this process, over time.

Alexandru will dazzle us by opening a window to “a day in the working life of a millennial coach” serving a high tech company today.

His tour de force will deliver three key messages:

1. One-to-ne conversations will change. Virtual reality (VR) will become an enabler of Reality.

The future of one-to-one and group conversations is impacted by technologies like Virtual Reality. VR will take down geographical boundaries and we will discover new depths of dialogue including the possibility to shift environments to best support activities like reflection, planning, testing, feedback, “taking a step back”, etc. To give you an insight into this world, we will demo a VR conversation / show a video.

2. The learner is back in control. Context is king!

This is an overview of the future of learning and how responsibility for development is shifting back to the learner. We will explore the distinction between just-in-time versus just-in-case learning and see how digital learning is becoming personalized, social, blended and contextual. And a case study of such learning transformation that impacts 110.000 people will be briefly presented.

3. Leaders are finding new ways to stay on top of their game.

An essential aspect to explore is how leaders are shifting their worldview and behaviours, in an effort to integrate this new world of technology and digitisation. The case study will look at the Digital Ninjas project; a reverse mentoring programme where digitally savvy Millennials work together with our Senior Leaders and help shape their thinking, understanding and use of new technologies.

On the back of this rich and fascinating introduction to the work of work today, we will open the discussion in small groups and plenary, by reflecting on the implications for us as Coaches and how to prepare for this future.

Alexandru Popa-Antohi works in the Global Learning & Development Team in a global ICT company, managing a global functional HR Academy dedicated to the functional skills development of around 2.800 professionals, He is also a Certified Coach and coaches future global leaders and high potential individuals in international rotations in the company. Having lived in several countries he has developed a deep understanding of culture and its implications, therefore he is able to support leaders flex and develop cultural agility. Alexandru has a BSc in Computer Science and a Masters in Psychology – Adult education, and he is passionate about exploring new ways of bridging the two worlds of the “technology savvy” and the “experiential wisdom” together.

Adina Tarry is an experienced accredited coach, formally trained in coaching and business psychology. With a strong international business background in technology (IBM, Alcatel) she has in the last 5 years worked with clients aged 22 to 35 and gained an new insight in the mind of the much younger generations, which led her to question and explore how age and generational differences can be brought together. Adina believes she has got the answer…and has invited Alexandru to co-present on this topic and prove that their shared optimism is justified.

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